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Exposing Corruption in Examination Results

How to expose corruption in result

In India, the majority of people want to provide a good education to their children, but the  corrupt practices and corruption have invaded the system of education. Modern education nowadays, instead of human development, merely focuses on money making and the capital building.

The role of corruption was mostly seen in government offices, business organisations and police stations, but the roots have been spread over the educational system as well.

Corruption in the educational system

Every individual in the world knows about the value of education, but the thing is that the corruption always creates a huge challenges for the education system, a hard grip has been taken up by the corruption which leads to giving of bribe for admission or pay the amount of money to score good marks or grades, this made the education system to decline and provide poor quality of education to the students.

However the governmental organisation and the government bodies form rule and regulations to tackle such evilness time to time,

Due to which many institutions are unable to affiliate themselves with the governmental bodies, as they lack the minimal requirement which is set by the government regulatory bodies.

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What amounts to corrupt practices?

In recent years many private colleges have begun the courses in a variety of fields without the trained professionals or any well developed required infrastructure, the institution with corrupt values makes money through entrance test, coaching centres etc. also they ask the money for donation to get admission where a high amount of money is asked which can’t be afforded by everyone.

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How are parents participating in these corruptions?

Every student want to achieve good marks or good grades in exams, those who work hard they definitely achieve what they want, but some weak students are unable to achieve such grades or marks, so the parents of such students play a key role for their child to get high scoring grades by paying huge amount of money for their children so that they get good marks in exam, and this corrupt practice leads the undeserving student to achieve and get good marks than the deserving ones.

Such corrupt practice for filtration of result makes the hardworking student moral down and also it violates their rights of equal opportunities.

How does it affect Hardworking students?

Not everyone is same some does hard work to achieve something and make their parents feel proud on them but some are totally different they just want to enjoy and they have no such interest on studies, but they get good marks or sometime they even top the exam by the corrupt practices which were done by paying huge amount of money to alter the result as consequence the moral and hope of the versatile students get hampered and this lead to many unusual or unnatural aspects, sometimes such victimised students do suicide or loose their hope to take forward their dreams and many of them are thus disguided by such partialtiy or corrupt practices.

What can such victimised students do? 

The students who deserve to be better but suppressed by such corrupt practices should follow these necessary steps:  

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RTI: Students who are victims of such corrupt malpractice can seek information through the process of RTI, where the students can send RTI to a reputed board and get the information regarding the same.

Victimised students can complain on the Education board website, whichever board conducts the exam thus the students can complain on their particular website or they can also complain via email to the concerned authority.

Also, they can approach the court for the violation of fundamental rights.

How can Lead India help?

Lead India has the best legal experts who will help you in filing RTI to the concerned authority and also will assist you in drafting the complaint and complaint to the concerned authority, you will also get assistance from us to file a writ petition for the violation of your fundamental rights.

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