Recently, Narcotics Control Bureau ( NCB ) arrests Shahrukh’s son Aryan Khan  & 3 others for the consumption of drugs under the NDPS Act. Aryan Khan & 3 others were enjoying the Rave party ( Dance Party including DJ’s, EDM, etc ) on a Cruise. The NCB officers seized Cocaine (13 grams), MD ( 5 grams ), Charas ( 21 grams ) & MDMA ( 21 pills ). 

Do you know the production, consumption & trade of drugs is illegal in India? Do you know about the famous laws which allow NCB to arrest drug addicts & dealers? What was the main objective of the NDPS Act? What are the important sections of the NDPS Act?

According to a survey conducted by the National Control Bureau Of Investigation,  around 62.5 million people consume alcohol, 8.75 million people use cannabis products, 2 million people consume opium & 0.6 million people use sedatives like LSD, MDMA, etc. This problem of the drug business is huge in India. But, consumption, trade, or manufacture is illegal in India. There are many laws in India that prohibit drugs in India except for some medical & scientific uses. 

The NDPS Act or Narcotic Drugs & Psychotropic Substances Act, 1985 came into force on 14 November 1985. The aim of this act is to prohibit the manufacture, trade & consumption of narcotic drugs & psychotropic substances in India except for some medical & scientific purposes. 

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What are Narcotic Drugs & Psychotropic Substances? Why are they prohibited?

Under the NDPS Act, the central government made a list of drugs & substances that are prohibited. This list gets updated from time to time on the recommendation of the state government. 

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Narcotic Drugs: All those sleep-inducing drugs that are either directly obtained from nature or derived from natural products. Example – Charas, Hashish, Ganja, Opium, Heroin, Cocaine & Morphine. 

Psychotropic Substances – All those sleep-inducing drugs that are either chemical-based or manufactured by mixing two or different chemicals. Example – LSD, MMDA, Alprazolam, etc. 

Why These Sleep Inducing Drugs Are Prohibited?

These substances are harmful to the human body. They lose their consciousness after the consumption of these drugs. Also, these drugs & substances are addictive in nature. 

According to a report by the US National Library Of Medicine, Out of total sexual assaults – in 40-60% of cases the accused has consumed alcohol. 

The consumption of these drugs will increase the crime rates – mostly robbery & sexual assault. In order to avoid this scenario, it is very important to prohibit narcotic drugs & psychotropic substances.

Some Important Sections of NDPS Act: 

  1.  Section 25 – Punishment for granting room or space for the commission of offense – If the owner of a property allows the others to commit an offense knowingly then, He/She will get punishment for around 10 – 20 years or, 1 Lakh Fine or, Both. 
  1. Section 27 – Punishment for Consumption of Narcotic drug or Psychotropic substances in small quantity – If anyone consumes these drugs or substances then, he/she will get punishment for around 1 Year or, 10,000 Fine or, Both.
  1. Section 29 – Punishment for criminal conspiracy – If a person is planning for a criminal offense related to narcotic drugs or psychotropic substances then, He/She will be punished.
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There are many sections in the NDPS Act to prevent narcotic drugs & psychotropic substances. NCB ( Narcotics Control Bureau ) controls & checks these drugs mentioned in the list of central govt. I hope you have understood all the facts & data on NDPS Act & Aryan Khan drug case.  

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