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Why Marriage Registrations should be compulsary?

In a recent judgment, the Supreme Court of India made it compulsory for Indians to register their marriages in India. Do you know why marriage registrations are important for girls? How compulsory registrations can improve the condition of women in India?  

In this post, you will easily understand the importance of marriage registration in India. After independence, many laws have been made in India to remove the evil practices from society like child marriage, bigamy, dowry death, gender equality, etc.  

They are successful to some extent to curb the problems of society like gender violence, bigamy, child marriages, etc. But, there are many matrimonial cases pending at the different courts. Generally, these cases are associated with marriage registration, bigamy, marital status of women. Due to lack of marriage registration, the women can be easily manipulated & the children born out of that marriage can be called illegitimate.  

A report on Compulsory Marriage Registration was published by the National Commission of India in 2017. The chairman of that commission was Justice Dr. B.S. Chauhan. He was the supreme court judge from 2009 – 2014. The main aim of the commission was to reduce child marriage, bigamy & gender violence in India.

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Why Do We Need Rules & Regulations To Improve The Situations Of Women?

  1. According to National Crime Records Bureau, there are 501 cases were filed under the prohibition of child marriage in 2018. While 785 cases were filed in 2020. This data shows us the cases of child marriages have been continuously increasing in India. Even after so many laws in India, We still need to reduce these child marriages in India. 
  2. According to National Crime Records Bureau, there is 1 dowry death per hour in India in 2019. This shows that this evil practice of dowry is still continued in some places in India. We certainly need laws to curb dowry deaths in India.
  3. According to National Crime Records Bureau, every hour 14 women face cruelty by their husbands or relatives in 2019. In spite of many laws in India, this social inequality exists.
  4. According to the National Crime Records Bureau, every hour 4 women are raped in India in 2019. There are many laws in India to stop this evil mentality from our society. But, it is still there. We really need to improve these laws. 
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Why Marriage Registrations Should be made Compulsory? 

  1. Different Laws For Marriage Registration: There are many different religions exist in our country like Hindu, Muslim, Christians & Parsi. Every religion has its own personal law for marriage ceremony & marriage registration. In some religions, the minimum age for male & female partners must be at least 21 years & 18 years. In Muslim Personal law, the minimum age of a girl should be the age of her puberty. The main aim of the compulsory marriage act is to bring uniformity to the system of marriage registrations. 
  2. Easy, Affordable & Accessible Court Marriage: This compulsory marriage registration act can encourage everyone to easily register their marriage. They can register their marriages without paying high fees. 
  3. According to United Nations, the record of birth, death & marriages helps to protect & strengthen the rights of a person. 

I hope you will understand the reason for compulsory marriages in India. If you have any queries related to marriage registrations in India, Click here ( Complete Marriage Process In India ). 

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