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How Can I Change A Name In India?

How Can I Change A Name In India?

Name plays a very important role in life. It gives identity to the person and everyone knows each other through their names. Sometimes, people who are not satisfy with their name want to change their name. A name can be change by legal procedure. In India there are proper steps which are follow to change the name. There are many reasons for change of name like religious reason, personal preference, marriage, numerology, etc.

On Which Grounds Name Can Be Change?

  • A person can change a name due to conversion of religion.
  • Sometimes a person can change their name due to their personal preferences.
  • Marriage can be a reason for changing of name.
  • People nowadays believe in numerology due to which they feel that change of name can be a reason for their struggle.
  • Divorce can be a reason for a change of name.

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What Is The Procedure For Change Of Name In India?

In India a name can be change by the legal procedure which is provided in the official gazette of the Government of India. The process involves the following points:


The first step for a change of name is the affidavit. This person provides all the information and details and takes legal acceptance of changing names. In this document they provide the old name, new name, residence, parent name, reason for changing name, etc. and then the affidavit will be sign by the magistrate.

Publish In Newspaper

Once an affidavit is create, the next step is to publish in the newspaper so that everyone can be aware about the change of name.

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 Announcement In Official Gazette

This is the one of the most important steps without this change of name, procedure is incomplete. This central government officially notified the change of name. After publication in the official gazette the new name will be recognize. 

What Documents Are Need For Change Of Name?

  • Affidavit is an important document which is provided for change of name.
  • Any identity proof which can be easily available.
  • Newspaper publication in which your name is publish.
  • If any application is provide to any authority, it is also include in the document.
  • Electricity bill or bank statements provided for the address proof.

What Are The Requirements For Change Of Name?

  • Whoever is applying for a change of name that person must be 18 years old, if the person is  under 18 years then consent of parents is mandatory.
  •  Person must be a citizen of India.
  • There must be no legal hearing against the person who is willing to change the name.

What Are The Steps For Changing Your Name?

Step 1: Affidavit shall be provided first, it is a legal document of the details for changing of name.

Step 2: Notify in the newspaper with old and new name of the person.

Step 3: Publication of details of old and new names in the official gazette of the Central Government.

Step 4: After publication apply for the deed which is the legal document of changing the name of the person.

Step 5: After changing of name, the new name will be update by application to all the authorities where it is need to update the new name.

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How The Lawyer Can Help In Changing Of Name?

  • Lawyer provides proper guidance regarding the procedure of changing of name.
  • They can help in drafting the affidavit, application, and any other document which is require for changing the name.
  • They ensure that the change of name must be according to the rules and regulations.
  • Lawyer can help you in updating the new name in the important documents and certificates.

Constitution Validity Regarding Changing Of Name

As we know, the name of a person is very important because it provides the identity to the person. So under ARTICLE 21 OF THE CONSTITUTION provides right to life and personal liberty under this one can have a right to choose their name with their own choice.

Rashmi Srivastava Vs. State Of U.P. Thru. Prin. Secy (Air 2022)

In this case, the Supreme Court held that the right to change name is the fundamental right of the person under ARTICLE 19(1) AND ARTICLE 21 OF THE CONSTITUTION.


A person has the option to alter their name at any point during their lifetime. But it must be done officially, which include drafting an affidavit, publishing in the paper, and notifying the Indian Gazette of the Central government regarding change of name. Following publication of the name change notice in the Gazette, the individual may begin using the new name and request that it be used on all identification documents. The person’s name and identity play an important role in their life. At last we can say that everyone has a right to change their name according to their preference. It falls under article 21 in right to privacy.

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