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How To Do Inter-Religion Marriage Easily?

How To Do Inter-Religion Marriage Easily?

In India, it is consider improper for members of various classes and religions to marry. It’s even deem improper in certain other nations. People are suppose to marry within their classes, faiths, or tribes in order to preserve the strict power structures that currently exist in the nation. A marriage cannot be legally acknowledge and register unless certain traditions and rituals unique to each faith and caste are follow.

The Special Marriage Act of 1954 (SMA) was design to protect the rights of individuals who choose to marry outside of their caste or religion. Regardless of caste or religion, this offers a unique marriage format for Indian people residing overseas and citizens of India.

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Inter Religion Marriage: What is it?

  • Interfaith marriage, also referred to as interreligious marriage or “mixed marriage,” pertains to a union between individuals who adhere to distinct religious beliefs. Marriage takes place in accordance with the Special Marriage Act, which grants Indian citizens who practice other faiths or religions the opportunity to marry. (Special Marriage Act 1954)
  • You must determine whether you and your spouse are legally qualify to be married in order to get marry under this law. For instance, you cannot have another live spouse from whom you have not divorce and you must be over a specific age to be marry.

Procedure for Inter Religion Marriage

Notifying of the Marriage:

  • A written notice of marriage must be given if you wish to tie the knot under the Special Marriage Act. The marriage officer in the district where you and the intended spouse have been residing should receive the notice. Prior to alerting the Officer, you must have been a resident of the district in which you are serving notice for at least thirty days.
  • In order to register the marriage, you must submit certain paperwork.
  • The notice becomes void if it is not execute within three months of the date it was given to the marriage officer. Until you provide another notification, no Marriage Officer will perform the marriage after that. (Section 14 of the SMA, 1954)
ALSO READ:  Can 2 Hindus Marry Under The Special Marriage Act?

Release of the Notification:

  • The notice will be retain by the marriage officer along with their office files, and a true copy will be enter in the Marriage Notice Book, which is open for public inspection at all reasonable hours at no cost. (Section 6(2) of the SMA, 1954).
  • If you do not permanently stay here in the district at the time of your marriage application, the marriage officer will have to forward a copy of the notice to the marriage officer in that particular district where you do, as well as that marriage officer will place a copy of the notice in a prominent location within the office premises. (Section 6(3) of the SMA, 1954).

Objections to Marriage, If any:

Anybody can object to the planned marriage once a Marriage Officer publishes the marriage notice if they believe it to be in violation of any of the Special Marriage Act’s requirements for a lawful marriage. After the notice is publish, the objection has thirty days to be lodge. (Section 7(1) of the SMA, 1954)

Maintaining Objection:

You have the right to file an appeal with the relevant district court, which is the court with judicial authority in the district where the marriage officer is located if the marriage officer maintains the objection and declines to execute the marriage. After the Officer rejects your request, you have thirty days to file an appeal. The Officer will comply with the district court’s judgment, which will be the ultimate word on the appeal. (Section 8(2) of the SMA, 1954)

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Executing the Marriage:

  • A declaration under Section 11 of the Special Marriage Act of 1954 must be sign in front of the marriage officer by the prospective spouse, themselves, and three witnesses prior to the marriage being perform. The declaration will also be sign by the Officer.
  • The Marriage Officer’s office is where you can perform the marriage ceremony. It is also an option for you to get marry somewhere else that isn’t too far from the office. There are additional expenses involve, though.

Certificate of Marriage:

  • The marital officer will record a certificate in the Marriage Certificate Book following the marital ceremony.
  • Three witnesses in addition to you and the person you are marrying must sign the marriage certificate. This certificate becomes the only acceptable proof of the marriage once the Officer signs it and records it in the Book.

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