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How To Send Legal Notice?

How To Send Legal Notice?

A person or entity may need to file a lawsuit against another person or entity on multiple occasions. There may be multiple instances, such as a property dispute, divorce, eviction, cheque bounce, or customer complaint. However, it is crucial that you let the other individual know that you want to file a lawsuit against them. For this purpose, you send a person or an organization a legal notice.

Legal Notice: About

  • A written declaration or notice intended to persuade someone to do something or refrain from doing something is known as a legal notice. It can be used in many different contexts, like informing someone about an impending legal action, requesting payment, or asking for the return of an item.
  • Legal notices should be sent with clarity and conciseness. Make sure you appropriately title the notice, indicate when it was sent, and list the recipients’ names. A copy of the actual document should be included as well.

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Key Contents in a Legal Notice

  • Specific information that is needed. 
  • Whatever description that may be required.
  • The address or any place of abode of the notice sender. 
  • Every cause or effect that needs to be talked about is brought up.
  • Any type of relief, if the sender deems it appropriate, should be included.
  • The legal rules that allow for the claim of relief

Is it Mandatory to Serve Legal Notice?

  • If the other party is a government agency or public official, then serving a legal notice prior to initiating a lawsuit is required by Section 80 of the Code of Civil Procedure, 1908. However, it is observed that in actuality, advocates provide legal notice prior to the filing of any civil litigation. Serving a legal notice is not required in all civil proceedings, though, unless an action is filed against the government or a public official and the party planning to sue has formally sent one.
  • The purpose of this is to inform the other party that the notice sender is attempting to resolve the issue at hand as much as possible. Additionally, because it clearly outlines all of the receiver’s liabilities, it lends credibility to the sender’s account.
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Sending a Legal Notice: Procedure

  • First things first, a legal notice outlining all problems, potential solutions, and any other relevant details must be drafted. There should be a timeline given. For instance, three or one month. (30 to 90 days, roughly), and the sender must fully understand the process of sending a legal notification.
  • Every document in these kinds of cases is crucial, thus it should then be verified and sent by someone skilled in sending legal notices. It is possible to obtain legal advice before mailing it via courier or registered AD post.
  • Since it can be needed in any legal proceeding, the sent copy’s receipt should be preserved and kept secure. 
  • The time window specified will pass and must be waited upon before filing or moving further with any court matter.
  • In order to resolve the difficulties at hand, the other party has a stipulation that they must adhere to, and they should step forward before it expires.
  • They have the option to proceed with the court case or reach an out-of-court settlement; for this reason, the legal notice needs to be properly worded, and the sender needs to be aware of how to deliver one.

A lawyer drafting a formal legal document on behalf of his client is preparing a legal notice. Even though serving legal notice prior to filing a lawsuit is not always required, it is still regarded as a crucial document in the progression of any legal proceedings because, in the majority of cases, actual disputes or issues are settled without the need for a courtroom appearance by simply serving the notice.

ALSO READ:  Why and How to send a Legal Notice?

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