Sometimes the landlord faces difficulty in eviction as few tenant often don’t vacate the rented property or create a mess around when asked to vacate the property such tenant, create nuisance and also they do not want to leave or vacate the property,
In India such situation arise often where where the possession on property is obtained by tenant in forceful manner, then with no option left the landlord had to file a suit for eviction against the tenant, therefore as suggested by the experts the landlord should send a prior notice for the eviction to the tenant before filing a suit for eviction.
Why is it important to send notice of eviction to tenants?
The employer provides flat to their employees, which the employees often rent it to some other person for income, but in some circumstances, it becomes difficult to vacate the tenant from the possessed property
No landlord should worry in these circumstances, he/she should consult an expert advocate for eviction process after sending all requirements that is used in notice and thus we can say it is primarily important to send eviction notices before taking any further action against the particulars
The landlord when they want their property to be vacated the tenant, he would must send a formal letter or notice to the tenant to vacate the property, as the person who owes the land or property has the right to get back his/her property by giving the reasonable time to the tenant
We can also further say that notice given to the tenant to vacate the property is a specific and acceptable type of communication for the landlord that they want their property vacated and also if any kind of dispute arise this eviction notice is also used as evidence in the court to prove that tenant has been given a reasonable time to vacate the property.
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Grounds that are available for the landlord to send eviction notice to the tenant
- If the tenant is not paying the rent to the landlord.
- If the rented property is sublet to another person by the tenant without any prior information or without the consent of the landlord.
- If the tenant violates any of the clauses mentioned in the rent agreement
- If the tenant does any illegal act or any such act which depreciate the value of the property
- If any nuisance created by the tenant in the neighbourhood
- If the tenant alters the construction of the property
- If the landlord wants such property for its own use
- If the landlord wants to to rebuild or reconstruct the property
- If the landlord wants to sell or demolish such property
- If the tenant is creating any kind of mess with the property
In any of above circumstances the landlord has the right to send the eviction notice to the tenant the land must consult a good and expert advocate and ask him to draft a proper eviction notice against the tenant and if the property is not vacated within 30 days the landlord has the right and liberty and further he can file suit for eviction against the tenant
How can Lead India Help you?
Lead India has the expertise and specialized advocates who will help you in preparing a proper draft of a tenant eviction notice and also help you in filing and further processing the eviction suit before the court.