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Increase in girl’s age of marriage

Legal Girls Marriage Age

On 15 Dec 2021, the cabinet approved the proposal to raise the minimum age for the marriage of girls from 18 years to 21 years. This proposal was initiated on the recommendations of the Task Force to suggest amendments or changes in the laws related to the age of marriage of girls. Still, the minimum age for the marriage of girls is 18 years. Very soon, this legal age of girls will be raised from 18 years to 21 years. It will amend the minimum age of the girls in different acts like – The Prohibition Of Marriage Act (2006), Special Marriage Act (1954), Hindu Marriage Act (1955) & Other personal laws for marriage.

Amending these laws is not an easy process. It will take some time for these amendments to come into force. 

How & When will the legal age for girls’ marriage be increased to 21 years?   

  • The government will bring this bill into the parliament. It is assumed that they will present this bill during this winter session. 
  • This bill must pass through the Lok Sabha & Rajya Sabha with a majority. Only after this step, this law will become valid. 
  • We can conclude that it will take at least 2-3 months for this law to come into force. 

If you are planning to marry your partner & the age of the girl is 18 years, you can perform the marriage as of now. 

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Are there any other changes in the eligibility criteria for marriage?

Except for age, there are no other changes in the eligibility criteria for marriage. 

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After the amendment in the different laws in the future, the eligibility criteria will be – 

  1. Age Criteria – The minimum age criteria for the male & female partners will be such that: Male – 21 years & Female – 21 years
  2. Forbidden Relationship – No changes in it. Both the partners must not belong to the prohibited relationship or, sapinda relationship.
  3. Consent Of Partners – Both the partners must allow the marriage of both the partners. Valid consent of both the partners is important.
  4. In the case of a previous marriage, it is important that the previously married couple must be either get the divorce order from a court or the death certificate of the partner.

I hope you have understood the changes in the minimum age of the partners. 

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