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National Minorities development & Finance Corporation (NMDFC)

What Is National Minorities Development & Finance Corporation (NMDFC)?

National Minorities Development and Finance Corporation (NMDFC) was consolidated on 30 September 1994. It encourages financial exercise for the backward classes of the enlightened minorities.

To fulfill its objective, the National Minorities Development and Finance Corporation is contributing concessional investments for self-employment ventures to eligible recipients referring to the minority population. 

Keeping the family income below the poverty line specified by the Government of India. 

The present share capital of National Minorities Development and Finance Corporation which was Rs 650 crore in 2004 is now Rs 1500 crore.

About National Minorities Development & Finance Corporation

The National Minorities Development and Finance Corporation (NMDFC) is functioning under the regulatory administration of the Ministry of Minority Affairs, Government of India. It helps to support financial and developmental activities in the best interest of the “backward sections” of the Indian population. Minorities are being tilted towards functional groups and women.

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Aim & Purpose Of The NMDFC: 

  1. Professional associations and women are increasingly inclined to support financial and developmental activities for the benefit of “backward sections” of minorities.
  1. Subject to such income and/or financial standards as may be mandated by the Government, minority individuals or organizations to utilize loans and credits for economically and financially suitable projects and to pursue micro-financing projects.
  • The group of persons belonging to the minority shall include such organizations in which the ex-dominant (75% and above) sections belong to the minority community. 
  • In extremely unusual circumstances, this may include organizations in which up to 60% of the members represent minority communities, other members belonging to weaker sections of the Scheduled Castes/Scheduled Tribes, Other Backward Classes.
  1. To encourage the idea of ​​self-employment and specific tests for the good interests of minorities.
  1. To grant loans and credits on such flow of profits arranged from time to time in compliance with the guidelines or schemes directed by the Central Government or the Reserve Bank of India.
  1. To extend the amount and duration of loans and credits to deserving associates of minorities for pursuing general/professional/technical education or coaching at graduation or higher level. 
  1. To support the up-gradation of professional and entrepreneurial experiences of minorities for the accurate and effective administration of infrastructure units.
  1. To serve the State level organizations administering with the growth of the Minorities by way of implementing financial compensation or equity participation and in securing business funding.
  1. To act as an apex organization to organize and control the operations of all companies/committees/other bodies set up by the State Government/Union Territory Administration for their ability to assist the minorities for their financial improvement.
  1. To help promote government organizations and schemes for the advancement of minorities.
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Target Groups for these schemes

National Minorities Development and Finance Corporation is concerned with the immediate interest of persons belonging to minority communities. Minority Associations as per the National Minorities Commission Act, 1992 are MUSLIMS, CHRISTIANS, SIKHS, BUDDHISTS JAINS, and PARSIS.

Term Loan Scheme For the Minority Communities:

This project is for specific recipients and is availed under a term loan scheme with an investment of up to Rs.20.00 lakhs. National Minorities Development and Finance Corporation provides loans for an amount of 90% of the scheme cost, subject to a limit of Rs.18.00 lakh. Nevertheless, the recipient will have to provide 5% of the design value. 

Compensation under the Term Loan Scheme is possible for any beneficiary for a viable and technically sound investment, which is included in the following divisions.

  1. Agriculture & allied
  2. Technical trades
  3. Small business
  4. Artisan and traditional occupations
  5. Transport and services sector
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