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Purpose of Personal Accidental Insurance

Purpose of personal Accidental Insurance

Accident insurance helps you to pay your medical bills, including other costs you may incur after you have suffered from an accidental injury. These bills may include treatment, hospital stays, medical examinations or any other expense which you may face.

Accident Insurance

Fixed indemnity insurance or personal accident insurance, helps the policyholder in case he gets into an accident. An accident could be sometimes an unintended event, while in some other situations it could be due to someone being partially or fully liable for the accident. 

Personal accident insurance is useful for you and your family in case of an accident which could lead to death, bodily injury, temporary or permanent total disability. 

In the case the accident results in a death, 100% compensation of the insurance would be given to the nominee. 

The policies could cover minor or major disabling damage. There is a difference between accident insurance and auto, medical or employment insurance. However, accident insurance is not comprehensive insurance and will not cover vehicle damage or liability in case you are responsible for an auto accident. 

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  1. In India, more than 1200 accidents take place every day.
  2. According to the Ministry of Road Transport and Highways, in the year 2017 around 4.64 lakh accidents were reported, while about 1.47 lakh people died due to these accidents. 
  3. As per the reports in the year 2018, a 1.68% increase was seen in the number of accidents. 
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Types of Personal Accident Insurance

The personal accident insurance could be divided into-

Group Personal Accident Insurance- 

The business employers or owners, sometimes by personal accident insurance so as to cover their employees. The group personal accident policy could be an excellent incentive for the employees, as it could assure the financial safety to the employees in case of any mishap at the workplace. 

Individual Personal Accident Insurance-

As could be understood from the name, this kind of policy is for the individuals and guards them against any accidental damage. Mostly it covers events like accidental death, loss of body parts or any other disability resulting from an accident. 

Why is Personal Accident Insurance important?

Mostly, people ignore buying an accident insurance as they may not be aware of the importance of the cover, however what they fail to understand is in case of a mishappening to them, how would their families be able to sustain financially and how could they guarantee the safety and security of their family members in their absence. 

Even in the case of an accident leading to death or disability, it may have an impact on your income, which would put the family members in a helpless situation in case there are liabilities like home loans,etc. 

Benefits of a Personal Accident insurance-

Security and peace of mind

In the event of an accident resulting in a death or accident causing permanent damage would have a serious impact on the earning potential of the victim. The accident cover could ensure financial stability for your family. Hence, giving you a peace of mind with the knowledge that your family would be safe and secured even in your absence. 

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Minimal Documentation

One of the most common reasons as to why people avoid buying insurance is that they believe the process to be complicated involving a lot of paperwork. However, the procedure has now been simplified and you do not need to stress about the documentation process. All you have to do is to provide basic details in the application form and the policy would be issued by the insurance company.

Medical tests are not required

Unlike the Health Insurance policy which requires medical tests for the policy, the accident insurance policy does not require any tests.


It would be helpful to have a backup plan in case you are unable to work as a result of an accident which could not be covered by other insurance plans. An Accident Insurance Policy covers things which are not included in your regular medical insurance. In case you require rehabilitation or equipment like a wheelchair, etc. you can get medical care. 

 In case you are still not sure about the insurance policy or are facing a problem in getting compensation for your insurance, you may contact us at Lead India, as we offer you a team of experienced advocates who have been successfully dealing with issues involving accidental claims, etc.

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