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What Are The Challenges In Child Custody And Maintenance When One Spouse Is Abroad During Divorce?

What Are The Challenges In Child Custody And Maintenance When One Spouse Is Abroad During Divorce?

Divorce is a very complex and emotional process, especially in cases concerning children. If one spouse lives abroad, child custody and maintenance issues will become more complicated because of the entanglement with different legal systems, international conventions, and all the emotional and psychological aspects concerning the children involved. There are some legal challenges also in India when one parent goes abroad, hence there are many complications in child custody and maintenance between the divorced couples.

Child Custody and Maintenance

  • It is the legal arrangement in which a court determines which parent (or guardian) will care for and make the most significant decisions regarding a child’s upbringing. Custody can be sole or joint custody.
  • This is the amount payable by a non-custodial parent to a custodial parent for the care and upbringing of a child. Maintenance concisely covers the child’s basic needs, including clothing, education, and healthcare.

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Challenges in Child Custody and Maintenance when One Spouse is Abroad During Divorce

Jurisdictional Issues:

  • Determining the jurisdiction of courts in different countries is one of the major hurdles faced in child custody and maintenance cases between spouses having foreign domicile. In India, the jurisdiction for such matters as child custody and maintenance is usually decide by the Family Court Act, the Hindu Marriage Act, or the Guardians and Wards Act, depending on the religion of the parties and other factors.
  • The question arises as to the Indian court’s entitlement to entertain the petition when one of the parties is abroad. Usually, the Indian courts claim jurisdiction when the child is in India or when one parent is in India, but there may be conflicting jurisdiction when both parents are abroad.
  • International agreements like the Hague Convention on the Civil Aspects of International Child Abduction are meant to address this. However, India has not ratified this convention, leaving the issue to be decide by the Courts on a case-specific basis.
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Enforcement of Court Orders:

  • An order passed by the Indian courts regarding child custody or maintenance can be very difficult to enforce abroad. Some countries such as the USA or the UK may have reciprocal enforcement arrangements for it, but the enforcement of the Indian court order regarding child custody and maintenance in other jurisdictions can be much more complex and complicated.
  • For example: If the Court grants the custody of the child to the mother but the father refuses to comply and lives abroad, such an order of the Indian courts has to face significant challenges in enforcement when the country where the father resides does not recognize Indian family court rulings.

Varying Legal Frameworks:

  • Even while Indian law tends to emphasize maternal custody, foreign jurisdictions may not follow it, leading to greater complications. An overseas parent could challenge Indian court orders according to their local laws, but the local laws might be at odds with the Indian perception of the best interests of the child. 
  • There may be conflicting opinions on child maintenance also. As mentioned, both parents are require under Indian law to contribute to the child’s upkeep, but the quantum and mode of payment may vary depending on the country in which the paying parent resides.

Parental Alienation:

  • Moving abroad by one parent can lead to more intensified issues like parental alienation, especially where one parent resists allowing the child to have visitation time with the other parent, making it difficult for the child and his or her Indian parent to be in a healthy relationship.
  • For example: If one of the parents states that the child will not be brought to India due to welfare concerns that will jeopardize the coping mechanism of the child in a foreign country. This situation ends up leading to emotional detachment of the child from the Indian parent, thereby complicating custody disputes.
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International Abduction Risks:

  • Parental attempts at illegal international relocation of the child can sometimes lead to international child abduction. In cases of divorce where one spouse lives abroad, this issue becomes especially pressing because the non-custodial parent fears that the custodial parent may take the child to another country so the non-custodial parent will not be able to enforce his or her rights.
  • According to international conventions, there is no simple way to stop international child abduction. Given that India has not join the Hague Convention on the Civil Aspects of International Child Abduction, the scenario for the kid’s return to India in the event of international child abduction by an abroad parent is make worse.

Emotional Impact on the Child:

  • The child can be accompanied by a physical distance from one of their parents, particularly if that parent is residing abroad. This may have a lasting impact on the child’s emotional development. The child may be torn asunder by feelings of confusion, frustration, and stress between parents. This can affect the child’s mental health, education, and general well-being.
  • Both Indian and foreign courts consider the best interests of a child as their primary concern in their custody proceedings. The challenge of beating the odds between the emotional bond of a child with his or her parent in India when the other parent is abroad would make it more challenging for courts to determine what serves the best interests of the child.

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