It is obvious to Muslims who they can have personal relationships with. A person’s spouse is the only person they can have intimate relations with. It is forbidden to engage in any kind of sexual activity with another person. As a result, having sex before marriage is prohibited in Islam. It is strictly forbidden to engage in sexual activity or engage in any other type of relationship with someone besides one’s spouse. That is to say, having sex with any other mahram or non-mahram person to whom one is not married is considered haram.
Whom Does the Quran Say We Can Marry and Cannot Marry?
Understanding Islamic marriage laws is crucial. The Noble Quran refers to a few of these laws. For instance, Surah Ahzab’s verse 50 clarifies to us who we are allowed to marry. Since we are the Prophet’s followers, we are also included in this verse in addition to the Prophet Muhammad. Of course, there is a portion of the verse that is only applicable to the Prophet. In it, Allah states that a faithful woman becomes lawful for her husband if she submits to the Prophet and he accepts her marriage. Apart from that, other Muslims are also subject to the marriage laws in this verse.
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When Is Intercourse Haram?
There is no set day on the calendar when it is improper to have intimacy with your partner. Of course, it is forbidden to engage in sexual activity while performing the hajj or while lodging in a mosque for i’tikaf. Apart from that, a woman’s menstrual period is the only period during which sexual activity is forbidden. When a man and woman engage in sexual activity while a woman is menstruating, they have both sinned and need to atone for it. The majority of legal experts advise that the husband should make up for this kind of transgression by paying a certain amount of gold, which varies based on the day of the woman’s cycle on which the act was done. As a result, all we should know is that it is forbidden for women to have sexual relations while they are menstruating.
Days When Sexual Activity Is Makruh (Disliked)
There are days of the week, times of day, and dates in a month when having sex is makruh, or disliked. The following times and days are considered makruh for having sex:
- Early in the evening
- When there is a lunar or solar eclipse
- On the eve of a lunar month’s start, middle, or end—aside from the eve of the first day of the month of Ramadan—
- On the evenings of Eid al-Fitr, Eid al-Adha, and the fifteenth of Sha’ban
- On Wednesday evening
- Between the sunrise and the dawn adhan
- From dusk until Maghrib adhan
- The evening before departing on a trip
- When the moon is in Scorpio
It’s said that trying to get pregnant during those times is not a good idea because it will negatively impact the unborn child. However, it is beneficial to offer sadaqah if one engages in sexual activity during these times, whether on purpose or accidentally, as sadaqah protects against evil. Nonetheless, people who are aware of these times have to make every effort to avoid having sexual relations during these periods.
Days When Sexual Activity Is Mustahabb
In Islam, having sex with one’s spouse is generally regarded as one of the holy and advised acts Allah has granted permission for couples to partake in. Similar to when sexual activity is makruh, there are times when it is mustahabb (recommended).
Having sexual relations at the following times and on the following days is mustahabb:
- The first evening of the Ramadan month
- Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday evening
- Both on Friday afternoon and Thursday at noon.
These were just a few of the sexuality-related lessons found in Islam. The Quran specifies who is allowed and is not allowed to have sexual relations with. Allah highlights that having legal sex with one’s spouse is a holy act as well as being encouraged. Islam also emphasizes the value of modesty and seclusion when it comes to sex.
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