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What Are The Legal Consequences Of Hacking And Unauthorized Access?

What Are The Legal Consequences Of Hacking And Unauthorized Access?

Hacking and unauthorized access are very serious and common issues. Every minute, several computers are hacked and access is unauthorized. It is necessary to know about hacking and unauthorized access so that we can take steps through which we can save ourselves from this crime. Hacking is spreading so quickly so there is a need to control it. There are many laws in India that can help in reducing hacking and unauthorized access.

What Is Hacking?

Hacking means when someone enters your computer or mobile phones, laptops, etc., and uses the personal information to get either monetary benefit or blackmail the victim.

Types Of Hacking

  • Phishing hacking: When someone sends a scam text message, link, or email, which creates malicious websites to release sensitive information.
  • Virus: This type of hacking includes entering into filters of websites with the intent to corrupt the websites and information.
  • Social engineering: In this, the hacker manipulates the victim to share personal details and afterward uses the personal information against the victim.
  • Cracking the password: The hacker has a technique to crack the password afterward and hack all the details and information used for blackmailing the victim.

The Case Related To Hacking

  • Gurgaon case 2016: The girl who lived in Gurgaon. The boy hacked her Facebook account and sent vulgar messages to her family and friends. The boy used her picture and photoshopped the picture to defame and damage her reputation. This allegation is proved true by the police, and the boy is liable for hacking the Facebook account.
  • India Cyber Attack 2016: This attack is one of the most serious incidents in the country. Because in this the Indian government site is hacked. The hackers create a misconception between Pakistan and India by leaving the message that the hacker belongs to Pakistan.

What Are The Steps To Be Taken If Your Computer Is Hacked?

  • Disconnect the internet when you are aware that your device is hack.
  • Deactivate the unnecessary applications.
  • When you get suspicious about hacking, immediately change the password of all your accounts.
  • Contact the cyber cell as soon as possible.
  • File a complaint in the cyber cell.
  • Inform the family and friends about hacking and inform them not to respond to any message from your accounts.

How do I avoid hacking?

  • Update the software.
  • Use a strong password and don’t share the password.
  • Two-step authentication process.
  • Use antivirus software protection.
  • Avoid suspicious mail.

What Is Unauthorized Access?

Unauthorized access is the process in which someone takes an entry with the intent to hack the system without the permission of the owner. In this, they can get access by bypassing security to exploitation and using the private information of the victim for wrongful gain.

What Are The Risks Of Unauthorized Access?

  • Theft of private data
  • Unauthorized access for making fraud
  • Identity theft is also done by unauthorize access to the system.
  • It leads to damage to the reputation by revealing personal information.

What Steps Should Be Taken To Prevent Unauthorized Access?

  • Be aware of suspicious activity.
  • Use mathematical digits in sensitive data.
  • Use special locks to secure the important data.
  • Make a setting in your system; if anyone tries to enter into the system, you quickly update about the unauthorized access.
  • Make a complex and tough password for the system. 
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What Are The Punishments Available For Hacking And Unauthorized Access In India?

The Information Technology Act of 2000 deals with hacking and unauthorized access.

Section 66 of the IT Act 2000 deals with hacking; if any person dishonestly and fraudulently does any act, they will be liable for imprisonment up to 3 years or with a fine, which may extend to 5 lakh rupees or with a fine or with both.

Section 66 E of the IT Act 2000 when someone violates the privacy of a victim and captures, publishes, and transmits the private picture without the permission of the victim, shall be liable for imprisonment up to 3 years or with a fine not exceeding 2 lakh rupees or with both.

 The section 66 C of IT, Act 2000, talks about identity theft. When someone fraudulently or dishonestly uses the victim’s identity, is liable to imprisonment of up to 3 years or a fine of up to 1 lakh. 

The section 67 of the IT Act 2000 says that someone who publishes or transmits obscene material on online platforms is liable under this section. The person is liable for imprisonment up to 3 years and a fine of up to 5 lakh rupees on first conviction. The person is liable for imprisonment of up to 5 years and a fine of up to 10 lakh rupees.

Legal Consequences Of Hacking And Unauthorized Access:

  • Criminal charges: The person who is hack and tries to enter without the consent of the owner is liable for criminal charges under the Information Technology Act, 2000.
  • Damages AND compensation: The victim can file a suit claiming damages for the loss of reputation and damages for the loss.
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Hacking and unauthorized access are serious crimes and everyone has to be aware of this crime. Hacking means when someone enters your computer without permission to get personal information and take unauthorized access to your computer. The main purpose of hacking is to gain finances, blackmail, or any other way to destroy the reputation of the victim or reveal personal things. It is important to save yourself from hackers. 

There should be avoiding opening unknown links. If you have doubts or find any suspicious activity, immediately disconnect the network and change the password of the accounts. File a complaint to the cyber cell against the hacker so that they can take steps as soon as possible and stop them. It is necessary to be aware of laws to prevent hacking and unauthorized access.  

One can talk to lawyers from Lead India for any kind of legal support. In India, free legal advice online can be obtain at Lead India. One can also ask questions to the experts online free through Lead India.

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