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What is the legal age for girl’s to get marry?

What is the legal age for girl's to get marry

In early India there is no such age described anywhere deciding the age for the marriage, in Hinduism the concept of the age was mentioned in the Hindu Marriage Act 1955, under the section 5(iii) of the act, the age of the boy for the marriage must be 21 years while the age of girl for the marriage must be 18 at the time of marriage, also as mentioned in the Special Marriage Act, 1954 as per section 4 it also lays down the same condition related to age for the solemnization of marriage in India, lead India has the number of experts court marriage lawyer who will help you in the entire process for marriage solemnization along with the registration of marriage.

There are certain laws and act that prohibits the child marriage and allows the marriage only when both the couple has attained the maturity age, these laws are The Child Marriage Restraint Act(1929) and the prohibition of Child Marriage act, 2006, there the proposal has bee sent in the parliament to increase the age of girl for the marriage that is from the age of 18 to the age of 21, the amendments has not been passed yet  by the parliament, for more such marriage related query you can ask the free legal question on our website leadindia.law

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Marriage Age for Girl in India 2023

In most of the personal law the legal age of the marriage in India for the girl is 18 years and above, but as per Muslim personal law the girl if attained the age of puberty can get their marriage done and its is thus said that the girl has attained the age of marriage in India, there has been a proposal made before the parliament to increase the age of the girl from 18 years to 21 to get the marital status but the amendment has not been passed yet by the parliament.

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Marriage age for Boy in India 2023

As per the Indian society the husband part is responsible for the maintenance, therefore this is the reason why the age of boy is higher than that  of the age of the girl the age of the boy for the solemnization of marriage is 21 years and above, but under the muslim law the marriage of the muslim boy oe men is said to be done when he attains the age of majority 

If any of the couple who want to solemnise their marriage and get it registered before the court can get it registered by the help of Lead India, lead India will provide the best Court marriage lawyers in Delhi, best court marriage lawyers in Mumbai, best court marriage lawyers in Kolkata etc. so people in need can approach to get their marriage registered.

At what age one should get married? 

Marriage has become the most common cultural bond in human reproductive societies. Rituals may vary, but the ultimate goal is a union between the sexes that is legally acceptable to civil society. may be Puberty refers to the age at which the human body undergoes reproductive development and becomes an adult. In girls, it usually begins between the ages of 10 and 15. For boys, ages 13-16. However, maternal mortality is higher for girls who marry soon after reaching puberty.

Even if the psychological side comes to the fore, maturity comes through experience, not age. Marriage requires a great deal of maturity for both girls and boys.

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Marriage has become the most common cultural bond in human reproductive societies. Rituals may vary, but the ultimate goal is to form legally acceptable male-female unions in civil society. Adolescence may be the norm. Puberty refers to the age when the human body undergoes reproductive development and becomes an adult. In girls, it usually begins between the ages of 10 and 15. For boys, ages 13-16. However, maternal mortality is higher for girls who marry soon after reaching puberty.

Even if the psychological side comes to the fore, maturity comes through experience, not age. Marriage requires a great deal of maturity for both girls and boys.

For any kind of marriage related question, marriage registration process and so on the couple can approach to lead India where they will guide by our marriage experts and the court marriage lawyers experts will help you in the easy and convenient way to get your marriage done.

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