Is a medical officer authorized to register marriages legally?

One of my friends obtained a marriage certificate from a medical officer on Dhole Patil Road. Is a medical officer authorized to register marriages?

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Ayantika Mondal
Advocate Ayantika Mondal Answered: 19 Feb 2025

The medical officer is not authorized to register the marriages under any act; only the marriage registrar has the authority to do so. In your case, it will be considered null and void. I suggest you take the help of lawyers so that they can help you out with this matter.

A M Iktear Uddin (Anik)
Advocate A M Iktear Uddin (anik) Answered: 19 Feb 2025

No, a medical officer is not authorized to register marriages in India. The Sub-Registrar of Marriages must do marriage registration under the respective Marriage Acts (Hindu Marriage Act, 1955, or Special Marriage Act, 1954). Your friend should verify the validity of the certificate and, if necessary, get it registered with the proper authority.

Advocate By LEAD INDIA Answered: 19 Feb 2025

A medical officer is not authorized to register marriages under Indian law. Marriages should be registered by a Marriage Officer under an appropriate act, or respective state laws. If your friend obtained a marriage certificate from a medical officer, it is likely invalid. They should approach the appropriate Marriage Officer for proper registration or seek legal advice for correction. For further legal assistance contact us on our helpline number.

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