Is baptism of my son considered legal conversion in India?

I am a Hindu male married to a Christian woman. We recently had a son, and my in-laws are insisting that I get my son baptized. However, they have stated that my son can practice Hindu rituals or anything else as per my wish, but they want the baptism to be done. Is this considered legal conversion? Are baptism certificates or records maintained, and if so, what could be the consequences in the future? I would like to know a detailed response regarding this.

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Ayantika Mondal
Advocate Ayantika Mondal Answered: 30 Dec 2024

Baptizing your son, with your consent, is not tantamount to legal conversion, more so when he can still practice Hindu rituals. The church usually keeps baptismal records, and this may have implications on his religious identity later. These can be used for different purposes, such as his admission to religious schools or participation in community activities. If he is baptized, there might be expectations from your in-laws or the church about his being brought up in the Christian faith. It would be better to consult a lawyer to understand the implications, if any, specific to your case and jurisdiction.

A M Iktear Uddin (Anik)
Advocate A M Iktear Uddin (anik) Answered: 30 Dec 2024

Your consent to the baptization of your son is not legal conversion, more so since he is allowed to continue Hindu rituals. However, baptism records are generally kept by the church, and this might affect his religious identity in the future. Under some jurisdictions' anti-conversion laws, both parents' consent would be required to have him baptized; if one does not agree, then it would translate into battles in court. It is always best to consult with a legal expert for understanding the exact implications based on your location and circumstances.

Advocate By LEAD INDIA Answered: 30 Dec 2024

Sir, you may proceed with the baptism as it does not constitute legal conversion under Indian law unless followed by a formal declaration. You must ensure a clear agreement with your in-laws that your son will practice both Hindu and Christian traditions. It is expert to consult an expert family lawyer to protect your son’s future religious rights. For further legal assistance contact us on our helpline number.

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