What is the probable outcome of my second divorce case?

I have filed divorce case for the 2nd time in 2024. 1st time in 2017 my father in law pressurized me & my parents with the help of police & women supporters groups. This time we have bought flat in my & my wife's name. 15 lakh rupees given by my mom from her retirement savings & provident funds. Now my wife is staying alone in this new flat away from me & my parents. My father in law has threatened me to stay away otherwise he will kill me. My wife is doing job and earning handsome salary. What will be probable outcome of judgment?

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A M Iktear Uddin (Anik)
Advocate A M Iktear Uddin (anik) Answered: 21 Dec 2024

Considering your situation, the probable verdict will depend on many issues, such as proof of threats and financial contribution. Your wife is working well and, therefore, there is a good chance the court will consider that fact while making a decision for maintenance. The more threats and past coercion you can prove, the stronger your case will be. Probably, the court will also consider the shared ownership of property. These issues would therefore call for a person to consult a legal expert before taking further steps.

Advocate By LEAD INDIA Answered: 10 Dec 2024

Sir, you should file a police complaint for threats and harassment. In divorce proceedings you should document your mother's financial contribution to the property. It is advised to consult an expert lawyer who will assist you for property division and potential alimony, based on your wife's earnings. For further legal assistance contact us on our helpline number.

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