Requirement of lawyer

I have to lodge a complaint directly to the magistrate. shall I do ? to lodge a complaint to the magistrate , is there requirement of lawyer ? Persons who have no financial ability to hire a lawyer, how they hire the Lawyer in this situation ?

3 Answers
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Ayantika Mondal
Advocate Ayantika Mondal Answered: 23 Jan 2025

To lodge a complaint directly to the magistrate, prepare a written complaint detailing land occupation with supporting ownership documents. File the complaint under Section 156(3) CrPC at the local magistrate's court. For financially challenged individuals, approach District Legal Services Authority for free legal representation or seek assistance through government legal aid schemes.

A M Iktear Uddin (Anik)
Advocate A M Iktear Uddin (anik) Answered: 18 Jan 2025

You can file a private complaint directly with the Magistrate under Section 200 of CrPC without a lawyer, though having one is recommended, and the complaint can be written in simple language explaining your grievance along with supporting evidence. For those who cannot afford legal representation, they can approach the District Legal Services Authority (DLSA) or State Legal Services Authority (SLSA) which provides free legal aid to eligible persons including those with annual income below specified limits (generally Rs. 3 lakhs), and they will appoint a lawyer to represent you at no cost.

Advocate By LEAD INDIA Answered: 23 Nov 2022

Hello sir,

Inorder to lodge the complain before the magistrate you can lodge it directly without the presence of lawyer also , but if there is presence of laywer it will help you in understanding and dealing in correct way.

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