Is it discrimination if the company does not book hotel for executives?
My company told me to attend for a 4 days meeting at Hyderabad head office so I requested them to books a hotel accommodations from company end due to financial crisis. But company told only for high level employee they will book hotels from their end and for ground level sales executive they will not book hotels from company end. Ground level sales people only put the amount from their pocket and claim later. It will come under discrimination?

While this practice is common in many companies to have different travel policies for different employee levels, it could potentially be viewed as discriminatory if it causes undue financial hardship for lower-level employees. However, unless this policy specifically disadvantages employees based on protected characteristics (like race, gender, religion, etc.), it may not qualify as illegal discrimination under employment law. The best approach would be to discuss your financial constraints with HR or your manager to see if they can make an exception or provide an advance for the travel expenses.

Sir, while the company policy may not explicitly constitute illegal discrimination but you have the right to raise concerns about the fairness of the treatment, and it is advisable to do so either internally or through legal means if necessary. For further legal assistance contact us on our helpline number.
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