What is the eligibility criteria of gratuity?
I have one query on GRATUITY. In current company (Bangalore, Karnataka) where I am working, I will complete 5 years on 1st Jan 2024. I have resigned and my last day will be 10 Nov. 1. In SAME company I was on CONTRACT hire from 5th Nov 2018 to 31st Dec 2019. Then in the same company I became EMPLOYEE from 1st Jan 2019 and my last date is probably going to be 10 Nov 2023. Will I be eligible for GRATUITY (I will be completing my 5 years if CONTRACT hire of approx. 2 months is also included)? 2. I heard about 240 day ruling by Honorable Madras and Honorable Kerala High Court for the fifth year, will this make me eligible for gratuity, as I have already crossed 240 plus days as of now. Does this ruling of different state High Court apply for Karnataka state? Can someone tell me if #1 and /or #2 will be applicable in my case for Gratuity? I would like to know specifically for both the cases independently i.e. #1 and #2. Thanks Sujit
It is possible that you are eligible for gratuity under either or both of the scenarios you have described. However, it is ultimately up to your employer to decide whether or not you are eligible for gratuity. You should discuss your gratuity eligibility with your employer before you leave the company. Contact us for further enquiry.
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