Where do I stand regarding my resignation and rejoining request?

I was working for a bank. Recently working ethics and financial environment of the place I was posted was no aligning with set ethics of banking. I tried my best to highlight the issue and subsequently get transferred but concerned zonal office and HR didn't lend an ear to what I was saying. Ultimately, I felt better to leave and resigned. Now things are clear and some people are getting suspended at the place I was posted. I urged the HR to accept my withdrawal and reconsider my application of serving again as I have given my 8 youthful years to this bank. They are in denial mode. In past they have accepted the withdrawal of some people but this time they are acting tough. Where do I stand?

1 Answer
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Advocate By LEAD INDIA Answered: 04 Dec 2024

Sir, if you believe your rights have been violated in relation to discrimination or retaliation, you can file a complaint with your local labor board or employment agency with the help of an expert lawyer who will guide you to incurred damages. For further legal assistance contact us on our helpline number.

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