Will Railway Recruitment Board find out about an FIR without charge sheet?

Someone filed an FIR against me, but the next day that person asked for money to settle or compromise. I gave him the money, and then, in the presence of the police, we signed a compromise document. Now, I have filled out a government job form, and at that time, I forgot to tick the option asking whether an FIR has ever been filed against me. Now that my exam is cleared, please tell me if the Railway Recruitment Board will be able to find out about that FIR, even though no charge sheet has been filed, only the FIR. I am certain that the FIR was actually filed.

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Advocate By LEAD INDIA Answered: 25 Dec 2024

Sir, as you already signed a compromised agreement and matter has been settled so you must disclose the facts at the time of interview and the disciplinary action will be depend on rules and regulations of the RRB. It is advised to consult an expert lawyer who will assist you with the best course of action. For further legal assistance contact us on our helpline number.

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