How can I restore my land's BTR nature to Purayidam?

I purchased 40 cents of land in 2013. At the time of purchase, all documents (title deed, BTR, Thandaper, and fair value register) showed the land as Purayidam. Later, in 2018, the Tahasildar informed me that the old survey number of my land was incorrect and that it was part of the re-survey. As a result, the original old survey number in the settlement register shows the land as 'Nilam.' Consequently, the nature of my land in the BTR has been changed to Nilam. How can I restore the nature of the land in the BTR back to Purayidam?

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A M Iktear Uddin (Anik)
Advocate A M Iktear Uddin (anik) Answered: 21 Feb 2025

You can file an application before the Revenue Divisional Officer (RDO) for land conversion, citing the discrepancy and submitting supporting documents like the title deed, old tax receipts, and settlement register records. If rejected, you may approach the District Collector or file a writ petition in the Kerala High Court challenging the reclassification.

Advocate By LEAD INDIA Answered: 15 Feb 2025

To restore your land’s nature in the BTR as "Purayidam," gather all original documents showing its classification as "Purayidam." Submit an application to the Tahasildar by providing proof of the original classification and explaining the discrepancy due to the re-survey. If still it remains unresolved then you may appeal to the Revenue Divisional Officer (RDO) or District Collector. It is advised to consult an expert lawyer who will assist you with the best course of action. For further legal assistance contact us on our helpline number.

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