How can I obtain my marriage certificate if unavailable online?

Mujha marriage certificate online nahi download ho raha ha

3 Answers
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Ayantika Mondal
Advocate Ayantika Mondal Answered: 28 Nov 2024

For that matter, follow the simple steps given just below when unable to download marriage certificates: Official website address to State Govt: - Proceed and go to sections issued about giving or giving back your certificates. Filled-in the registration no. and All about information which must fill according to details registered as below along with see missed ones due to which such inconvenience being faced. Make sure that your internet is working perfectly. If the certificate is not available, contacting the website's customer care or the local marriage registrar will be able to help with the issue.

A M Iktear Uddin (Anik)
Advocate A M Iktear Uddin (anik) Answered: 06 Nov 2024

Ensure you are visiting the correct official website for marriage registration in your area. This could be a state government portal or a district court website. Ensure you have all required information, such as registration or application numbers, and fill out the application form accurately. If issues persist, contact the help desk of the marriage registration authority for assistance. As a last resort, consider visiting the relevant office in person to obtain your marriage certificate.

Advocate By LEAD INDIA Answered: 05 Oct 2024

Sir, firstly you must ensure that you are on the correct official website for your state as each state has its own site for downloading marriage certificates. It is advised to visit the marriage registrar office to obtain a physical copy of your marriage certificate. For further legal assistance contact us on our helpline number.

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