Advocate Jitender Kumar Sharma

Advocate Jitender Kumar Sharma
  • 3.2 | 90+ Ratings


After earning my law degree I am an advocate Jitender Kumar Sharma and have spent the last 0 Years providing information and support to clients.

I am an expert at managing challenging circumstances. I am a member of the Bar Council and am currently engaged in District & Sessions Court Complex. The creation of agreements, divorce, bail, business fight, and consumer court issues falls within my scope of expertise. In this domain, I practice, consult, and give guidance. In my role as counsel, I advise firms and people, identifying legal and contractual concerns and developing original strategies for tackling complex issues.


District Court Complex

Experience & Specialization


The ability to design agreements is crucial because they must contain all necessary elements and protect the interests of all parties. I assist my clients in keeping all the necessary elements in their contracts, and they are always satisfied with the results.?

Appeal Divorce

I met many clients who were dissatisfied with their divorce outcome, with my thoroughgoing knowledge and experience in divorce laws, I help my clients further appeal their cases to the high court.


I assist clients who were wrongly implicated in judicial proceedings and arrested in getting their bond amounts paid on schedule.

Business Fight

there are many business holders, who run their businesses in partnership and always wind up in conflict with each other, I advise and guide clients to come to better resolution

Consumer Court Issue

I am familiar with consumer and labour laws in practice, and have expertise in recognizing grounds to approach the consumer forum and the correct way and procedure to approach NCDRC. The clients are always satisfied with the services I deliver to them.

Reviews & Recommendations

Viveka Nand
16 Aug 2023
Very good and great experience

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