क्या हमारा रिश्ता सपिंडा में आता है?
में अपने दूर के रिश्ते में शादी करना चाहता हु लेकिन वो मेरे रिश्ते में बहन लगती है, लेकिन हमारा रिश्ता दूर का है । जैसे की में जिनसे शादी करना चाहता हु वो मेरे नाना के भाई(मेरे चचेरे नाना) के बेटे(मेरे चचेरे मामा) की बेटी है तो क्या यह रिश्ता कानूनी और सामाजिक तौर पर हो सकता है कृपया मेरी मदद करे । मेरी मां और लड़की के पापा चचेरे भाई बहन है।
नहीं सर, आप उससे शादी नहीं कर सकते क्योंकि वह प्रतिबंधित रिश्ते में आती है, इसलिए आप उसके साथ शादी नहीं कर सकते
Evels of Prohibited courting” below unique Marriage Act.
1. mom 2. Father’s widow (step-mother) three. mother’s mom 4. mother’s father’s widow (step grand-mom) five. mother’s mother’s mom 6. mom’s mother’s father’s widow (step first-rate grand-mom) 7. mom’s father’s mom 8. mom’s father’s father’s widow (step amazing grand-mother) nine. Father’s mom 10.
Father’s father’s widow (step grand-mother) eleven. Father’s mom’s mother 12. Father’s mom’s father’s widow (step excellent grand-mother) 13. Father’s father’s mom 14. Father’s father’s father’s widow (step wonderful grand mom) 15. Daughter sixteen. Son’s widow 17. Daughter’s daughter 18. Daughter’s son’s widow 19. Son’s daughter 20.
Son’s son’s widow 21. Daughter’s daughter’s daughter 22. Daughter’s daughter’s son’s widow 23. Daughter’s son’s daughter 24. Daughter’s son’s son’s widow 25. Son’s daughter’s daughter 26. Son’s daughter’s son’s widow 27. Son’s son’s daughter 28. Son’s son’s son’s widow 29. Sister 30. Sister’sdaughter 31. Brother’s daughter 32. mom’s sister 33. Father’s sister 34. Father’s brother’s daughter 35.
Father’s sister’s daughter 36. mom’s sister’s daughter 37. mother’s brother’s daughter rationalization.—For the purposes of this element, the expression “widow” consists of a divorced wife.
1. Father 2. mom’s husband (step-father) three. Father’s fathter four. Father’s mom’s husband (step grand-father) 5. Father’s father’s father 6. Father’s father’s mom’s husband (step notable grand-father) 7. Father’s mother’s father eight. Father’s mother’s mom’s husband (Step top notch grand-father) nine. mother’s father 10. mom’s mother’s husband (step grand-father) eleven. mother’s father’s father 12. mother’s father’s mother’s husband (step splendid grand-father)
13. mom’s mother’s father 14. mom’s mother’s mom’s husband (step high-quality grand-father) 15. Son 16. Daughter’s husband 17. Son’s son 18. Son’s daughter’s husband 19. Daughter’s son 20. Daughter’s daughter’s husband 21. Son’s son’s son 22. Son’s son’s daughter’s husband 23. Son’s daughter’s son.
Son’s daughter’s daughter’s husband 25. Daughter’s son’s son 26. Daughter’s son’s daughter’s husband 27. Daughter’s daughter’s son 28. Daughter’s daughter’s daughter’s husband 29. Brother 30. Brother’s son 31. Sister’s son 32. mother’s brother 33. Father’s brother 34. Father’s brother’s son 35. Father’s sister’s son. 36. mother’s sister’s son 37. mother’s brother’s son.
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