How do I get my money back from a fraud company?

Live outside India and a software company in India defrauded me. According to our deal, I transfer to them half the fee in exchange for a software code according to my requirements. When the code is ready, the full fee is transferred, but after transferring the full amount, they sent me the incorrect code, and they had pledged before transferring the full fee to correct any errors after paying for a period of two weeks, but they did not fulfill the agreement and they continued to ask for additional amounts. How can I get my money back or force them to modify the software code?

1 Answer
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Advocate By LEAD INDIA Answered: 17 Sep 2023

You can Send them a formal demand letter. In your letter, you should clearly state the terms of your agreement, the fact that they breached the agreement, and what you are demanding (a refund or a modified software code). You should also set a deadline for them to respond to your demand. Contact us for further enquiry.

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