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क्या स्टाम्प पेपर के बिना कोई समझौता वैध है?

सर मेरे दादाजी के एक प्लॉट है जिसमे मेरे पिताजी दो भाई है उनमें एक भाई को प्लॉट का रेट लगाकर paisa दे दिया गया है l इस प्लॉट एग्रीमेंट करे या सिर्...

जब कोई मुझे बदनाम करने की कोशिश करता है तो मैं क्या कर सकता हूँ?

मुझे एक शैक्षिक व्हाट्सअप ग्रुप में आरोप लगाकर बदनाम करने की कोशिश की गई है। मेरे ऊपर गद्दार और अन्य अपमानजनक शब्दो का प्रयोग किया गया है

How can I get my money back if I accidentally send it to the wrong person?

I mistakenly sent by PayPal $4000 intended for a student, Adnan Pala, to another person with the same name, who refuses to refund to money. PayPal wi...

How can I recover money from a job scammer?

A person took money to offer me a govt. Job with written statement on affidavit to return the money in case the job isn't provided. It has been a yea...

Who bears the cost of the rent agreement stamp paper?

IA allowed for paying deficient stamp duty on rental agreement with a condition that defendant can test the document and cross examine while receiving...

How can I deal with private nuisance caused by neighbours?

Are my upstairs neighbors causing a legal problem by repeatedly pouring dirty water onto my balcony despite my requests? I can't use the balcony for d...

How can I deal against false rape allegations?

The matter is (Jamin vivad) firstly illegally she broke my house then we filed FIR against her now before 2 week of hearing date, she falsely filed ra...

What can I do if my landlord charges me extra charges?

The landlord takes the electricity bill and many other extra money as per his wish.

How can I protect myself from fake FIR?

How to protect myself from fake FIR?

Is video recording allowed in police stations?

Sir, can I record the video in police station.

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