Consult with best Lawyer in Malad West, Mumbai
We help you to consult and hire the best lawyers in in Malad West, Mumbai for District Courts, High Court & Supreme Court matters.
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List of Verified Top Lawyers in Malad West, Mumbai India
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Client's Reviews
Bhupendra Sin...
08 Apr 2022Review By: Adv. Sunil Kumar
The accounts of other people's marriage experiences that I've heard have been utterly altered by Lead India.
Rajesh Verma
23 Jul 2021Review By: Adv. Anil Kumar Tuteja
Was able to make a proper decision because legal advice was provided to me.
Govind Devasi
26 Sep 2023Review By: Adv. Naman Saraswat
My personal experience with Lead India was very good.
Vikas Rai
20 Mar 2022Review By: Adv. Anil Kumar Gora
It's an outstanding service to get expert advice from multiple lawyers. I used it twice and both instances it's been useful for my needs. might suggest to use it.
Abdul Aziz
10 Nov 2021Review By: Adv. Himanshu Kushwaha
Subhash sir is very expert, friendly and knowledgeable advocate who will go above and beyond to gain his clients in their cases. he dealt with my divorce case, and did an high-quality process. he always given me the right advice, guided me throughout the system, treated the case very efficiently. i discovered his offerings and procedure- case submitting, handling to charge very transparent and clean. you may accept as true with him with all of your heart. finding the proper lawyer is like half war won, and i'm glad i met him. especially recommended.
Ashutosh Kuma...
22 Apr 2021Review By: Adv. Chetankumar Chandrakant Gajjar
Beautiful office situated at a very convenient location very comfortable environment with friendly associates great environment.
Rahul Mina
27 Sep 2023Review By: Adv. Mahendra Kumar Sharma
Best experience with lead India law And sarvice is very best
25 Jan 2022Review By: Adv. M N Joshi
Lead india provided the answers for all the queries raised and very cooperative. The entire process was really smooth. Recommended for all kinds of marriage and property registration related work.
How Same Day...
23 Jul 2021Review By: Adv. Amit Rawat
Good experience and really helpful
16 Apr 2021Review By: Adv. Ashish Rana
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