Consult with best Lawyer in Thane, Mumbai
We help you to consult and hire the best lawyers in in Thane, Mumbai for District Courts, High Court & Supreme Court matters.
Use filters to narrow your search and find the best advocate in Thane, Mumbai for your legal matter. Get top lawyers in Thane, Mumbai for family dispute or divorce matters, property matter, employment or labor court matter, criminal matter, recovery or cheque bounce matters, taxation or corporate matters, or a lawyer expert in any other field of law.
List of Verified Top Lawyers in Thane, Mumbai India

Advocate Riddhi Hakeem
- 3.5 | 78+ Ratings

Advocate Ashvin Khillare
- 4.3 | 423+ Ratings
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Client's Reviews
Ashish Kumar
02 May 2022Review By: Adv. Saurabh Sahu
Generally, this firm makes arrangements in every legitimate instance. The workplace and work ethic are excellent as well.
10 May 2022Review By: Adv. Mamta Tyagi
Lead India helped me in reaching the right decision that was required in my legal issue.
05 Jun 2022Review By: Adv. Manish Kumar Kaushik
I was all around exhorted by the legal advisor on the freedoms and wrongs of my case.
Alok Singh
01 May 2022Review By: Adv. Ajee Rajappan
Very responsive and competent matrimonial legal professional in Delhi. appreciated a lot ,they made the entire case in my favour. i am forever grateful.
03 Sep 2021Review By: Adv. Vivek Tiwari
It was amazing experience for me. Advocate behaviours was very helpful. I will suggest Lead India to all who is interested for court marriage. Thank you Team Lead India
Nikhil Maravi
14 Feb 2021Review By: Adv. Renuka Awasthi
I am really happy that the court marriage advisors of Lead India Law Associates provide free marriage advice that helped me a lot. They have explained to me each and everything very clearly.
15 Feb 2021Review By: Adv. Lokesh Maquana
This firm by and large arrangements in every lawful case. Also, the workplace and hard working attitude here is great.
Jaishankar Ra...
27 Apr 2022Review By: Adv. Sheopujan Prasad
Attorney has assisted me with my child custody and child support cases. She is absolutely fantastic and did a great job. I highly recommend her!
15 Feb 2021Review By: Adv. Shiwani Tushir
Very good experience court merriage thanku lead india law associates
Birendar Kuma...
19 Mar 2021Review By: Adv. Deependra Pati Tiwari
Best place to get advice and timely solutions for your cheque-related issues.
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