Consult with best Lawyer in Adampur, Patna
We help you to consult and hire the best lawyers in in Adampur, Patna for District Courts, High Court & Supreme Court matters.
Use filters to narrow your search and find the best advocate in Adampur, Patna for your legal matter. Get top lawyers in Adampur, Patna for family dispute or divorce matters, property matter, employment or labor court matter, criminal matter, recovery or cheque bounce matters, taxation or corporate matters, or a lawyer expert in any other field of law.
List of Verified Top Lawyers in Adampur, Patna India

Advocate Ravindra Vishnu Sankpal
- 3.6 | 152+ Ratings
Practice Area & Skills
Arbitration & Mediation, Cheque Bounce, Child Custody, Court Marriage

Advocate Raushan
- 3.6 | 169+ Ratings

Advocate Saumya Upadhyay
- 3.2 | 131+ Ratings
Practice Area & Skills
Arbitration & Mediation, Company Registration, Consumer Court Issue, Taxation Issues
FAQs on Lawyers
Client's Reviews
18 Mar 2022Review By: Adv. Shubham Nagpal
The legal advisors generally have excellent experience. They shared entirely important guidance for the following stage. Thank you kindly lead india.
Nitesh Mandhl...
16 Oct 2021Review By: Adv. Aditya Sharma
Along master counsel attorney broadened the sympathy.
Swati Gour
15 May 2022Review By: Adv. Syed Ramiz Zafar
धन्यवाद सर..
Sanwariya Lal...
03 Feb 2021Review By: Adv. Rajni
Lead India worked really hard! Energetically suggest!! Quick, productive and obtains results!
29 Jan 2022Review By: Adv. Mukesh Mahato
The best platform to receive guidance and speedy solutions for your cheque bounce-related problems.
Satish Here M...
17 Jan 2022Review By: Adv. Md Shafiuddin Yakub Ali
As a Dad I was afraid about whether I was able to get full custody of my child or not? But Lead inda made it true for me. Satisfied.
Meghendra Kum...
23 Jun 2021Review By: Adv. Vedraj Toraskar
Lead India lawyers is a good behavior person.
Parmanand Das
14 Aug 2021Review By: Adv. Sachin Pandey
I was afraid of performing court marriage but the court marriage lawyers at Lead India are fully supportive and helpful. Now , we are happily married couple.
Prashant Kuma...
03 Jun 2022Review By: Adv. Javed Ali
Sumit Kumar
07 Feb 2022Review By: Adv. Bharat Sen
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